Chrystal claims that she can’t remember her “husbands” middle name.

I, James Ira Samples, a 6′ 1″ 220 lb guy has been accused of being James Logan Samples a guy that’s 5’9″ by Chrystal Six. 

At 14:45
In the bogus EPO hearing Chrystal claims that I, James Ira Samples, is a kidnapper from Louisville. I was born in 1973, I have Green Eyes, and I’m 6’1″

The guy Chrystal is accusing me of being  is:
James Logan Samples, he was born in 1978, has brown eyes, and is 5’9″ tall.

It’s been proven to Chrystal that I am NOT James Logan Samples. It has also been shown to Chrystal that James Logan Samples didn’t kidnap anybody. He was accused of holding his girlfriend’s arm and the judge dismissed the “kidnapping” charge. Chrystal knows better and continues to lie.  

   Does Chrystal constantly forget my middle name, my eye color,… and that it’s been proven to her that I’m not, J. Logan Samples… or does she conveniently forget so she spread lies about me?

I couldn’t flip a quarter to tell you.

I, James Ira Samples, loves Chrystal and I do forgive her either way.